Do you have such troubles?
New ingredients do not have such as...
- safety data
- New mechanism
- Attractive history
- Efficacy
if you do not solve these troubles, It may be difficult to use it, which prevents you to make new concept product. TOA KASEI CO.,LTD.
Which solutions would you choose for new?
Choice | history | Efficacy | Safety | New Mechanism |
1. Concept ingredient(Natural) | ○ | X | X | X |
2. Existing ingredient with new data. | △ | ○ | ○ | △ |
3. Collaborated with Univ. | ○ | ○ | ○ | ○ |
The ingredient collaborated with University

The latest anti-aging Cosmetic Ingredient
developed by Kyoto Univ. and Osaka City Univ.
- Distributor:JTS CO.,LTD.
Q1. Safety?
- Japan Cosmetic Industry Association, a 9-item examination. ⇒ Toxicity, stimulativeness, side effects, etc. : not appeared.
- Human monitor test(three months, 3 times) ⇒ Dry rough skin or a health problem: not appeared.
Q2. Is it expensive?
- Yes, expensive, but recommended dosage is ca.0.005%(50ppm).
We can sell it from 100g.
Q3. What is the attractive point for our marketing?
- Nahlsgen® was developed by Kyoto University and Osaka City University.
Q4. How can Nahlsgen® penetrate into the skin?
- Molecular weight is 331 and chemical structure is almost straight chain. it means it is easy to penetrate into the skin.

Q5. How about the compatibility?
- Water soluble,
- Insoluble ethanol, organic solvent
- Stable in weak acid. Unstable in alkalii
Q6. Can I use Nahlsgen®'s name?
- Yes, it is a registered-trademark.
Q7. What is the INCI name?
- Display name date of approval: February, 2012
- INCI name:Methyl CarboxymethylphenylAmino carboxypropylphosphonate
What is the new mechanism?

Mechanism detail

Skin structure and collagen production

Characteristic of Nahlsgen(for human cell)
For epidermal cell
- Increase glutathione in epidermal cell.
- Epidermal keratinocyte cell migration and promoting growing cell.
- Enhance skin barrier function.
For fibroblast cell
- collagen production
- Elastin production
- HSP47 production(Heat shock protein 47)
- Protect cells under stress like aging and UV.
- keep molecule of normal collagen and elastin.
- Repair damededDNA and cells.
Function and effect of Nahlsgen
- UV prevention, skin restoration
- Improvement of skin elasticity
- Increase in moisturizing effect
- Maintenance of tension and gloss
- Prevention of fine wrinkles
Work of Nahlsgen

Human monitor test

Characteristic of Nahlsgen
Chemical structure

Physico-chemical property
- Molecular weight:331
- Water soluble,Insoluble ethanol, organic solvent
- Stable in weak acid. Unstable in alkalii
- Recommended dosage ca.0.005% (50ppm)